
Black Bean Truffles - Metabolism Revolution & P3 of FMD

For Haylie's Metabolism Revolution:

Note: This is ONE serving of protein and fat. You will need to eat the whole, entire recipe for one serving. 

Use this whenever you need a healthy fat and protein on your meal map for Haylie's MR plan. 

1 protein serving
1 fat serving

¾ cup black beans, cooked and rinsed well
2T coconut oil, melted
2-3T cocoa or cacao
2-3T xylitol or pinch of stevia
Pinch of salt

Place the well rinsed black beans and other ingredients in a food processor and process until super smooth. Taste and adjust the cocoa or sweetener. Refrigerate until firm. Roll into balls and store in fridge. 

Use 1 cup beans
3T oil
This makes 2 protein servings and each would have 1/2 fat serving. Add half a fat serving on the side.


  1. Hi, I haven't looked over the other plans, but Beans are not on the protein list but the Complex Carbs list. Are there Complex Carb and Fat combinations on maps other than Map C?

    1. Beans are absolutely on the vegetarian protein list. Page 328 in the book.

  2. making these!!! do you think you could freeze these? snow day tomorrow and want to prep things for next weeks start!!! thank you

  3. how many does this recipe serve?

  4. Thank you for making this recipe. I have been searching for something other than the jerky and nuts. This looks more fun to eat. :)

  5. Thank you SOOOOO much for this recipe. These are amazing.

  6. Carolyn I am on MR. I only have olive oil. Do you think that will work....probably will change the test. Huh?

    1. They won't set up with olive oil, but you could eat it with a spoon or with celery, since it would technically be a chocolate hummus

  7. I’m a little confused. For FMD it states that it makes 2 protein servings. In the comments it says that the whole recipe is a serving. So how much would I eat for one protein serving if I have over 40 to lose? Thanks!

    1. For over 40lbs on FMD, follow the MR recipe. It will be 1 protein and half a fat.


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