Blueberry Bread and Muffin- Phase 1 and Phase 3 versions

This is a blueberry muffin in an easy loaf form. I could eat this whole loaf- but I don't. Ha!

Pro tips: Use canned coconut milk and coconut oil for a different flavor (use 1 T less of the coconut oil) You may need to add water to get the batter the right consistency
Add lemon zest to the batter for a lemon blueberry loaf
You can use raspberries instead of blueberries

If you make any substitutions, your Bread/Muffins may not turn out right. 

Here is my video on how I make these:

Blueberry Bread
Phase 3 (**see below for P1 mods)

1 1/2 cups sprouted wheat flour
3/4 cup xylitol
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/3 cup olive oil
1 tsp vinegar
1 tsp vanilla
1 egg
1/3 cup almond milk
1 1/4 cup blueberries

Mix dry ingredients together. Add wet ingredients, stir just until combined. Fold in blueberries. Pour into greased loaf pan or use silicone pan. Bake at 375F degrees for 35-45 minutes (checking at 35 and every 5 minutes after) until toothpick comes out clean. If the top is browning too fast, cover with foil.

Cool in the pan, invert and slice. 

Makes 12 standard servings of grain and partial fat.

**P1 Modifications
  • use 2 egg whites, lightly beaten until frothy
  • use oat milk instead of almond milk
  • use oat milk or spring water instead of oil
  • Makes 6 standard p1 grain servings for breakfast or lunch
Batter should be thick but pourable. 

For Muffins, bake at 400F for 15-18 minutes until done


  1. Could frozen blueberries used instead of fresh?

    1. Of course!! :) I use frozen all the time!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Carolyn
      I am making this as I write.altered instructions, I had to leave it in for almost 30 minutes before the toothpick came out clean. I made it with the coconut oil, lemon zest, and coconut and milk per your directions.I have
      two questions:
      1. what kind of vinegar? I used coconut vinegar because I wanted to keep the same flavor.
      2. My husband and I wanted to lose over 40. Your post says makes 12 standards servings of grain and partial fat.
      I don't want to sound ignorant, but I'm assuming that I slice this into 12ths. Based on what we are supposed to eat for a P3 breakfast, do we get one slice? Do we add a meat and vegetable to this? Sorry, just want to do this right. Thx!!! You are great!

  2. If I use cranberries, how much more xylitol? Have you played with this yet? maybe double it. thoughts?

    1. I dont think I would double the xylitol. That would make it way too sweet. I have made it with cranberry and it was good. I expect cranberries to be tart, the bread is sweet, so it is a good combo.

  3. Do you let this rest the 15 minutes as you do in your original blueberry muffin recipe? Or are you finding that is not necessary?

    1. I generally let everything I bake with sprouted wheat flour sit for a bit before baking. Sometimes I need to add more liquid as the flour absorbs moisture.

  4. This is simply delicious...Thank You!!! How do you measure out serving would be soooo easy to eat the whole thing LOL ( I will not!!!)

    1. I listed the serving size at the end of the recipe. It makes 6 standard servings ;)

  5. Can you substitute spelt flour for the sprouted wheat or do you recommend sticking to the wheat?

  6. I just made this. The batter is delicious. I'm just patiently trying to wait for the bead to cool. How long do I need to wait? I'm not a baker so sorry for the silly question. Also what meal on P3 just breakfast or optional dinner right?

  7. Most baked goods need to cool for 10 minutes or so before removing from the pan. Since this is a grain, it is for any meal on the meal map in p3 that requires a grain.

  8. what is the difference between birch xylitol and xylitol?

    1. If you follow the FMD, you want to use Birch or Hardwood derived xylitol as the other is from corn and there is no corn on the FMD.

  9. We have been following the recipe exactly and it seems to either come out grainy or dry, especially compared to the pumpkin bread. Any thoughts on what might be the problem? I am making it in a loaf pan and was thinking maybe muffins wouldn't dry out as much. We are not letting it rest before baking...could that be the problem. Our oven temp seems to be fine. Should I increase the amount of liquid (water, milk, oil)? Thanks

  10. There are many factors that play into this. The size of the eggs, the milk you use, the brand of flour, humidity, oven temps... make sure the batter isn't too thick. You really should let it sit, and you may need to add more liquid. You could also lower oven temp by 25°. If you're add xanthan gum, try adding a other pinch.

  11. Thanks...I have xanthan gum and could use it but didn't see it in the recipe. How much would I use and would it take the place of something else? If I add more liquid what would work best (water, milk, oil)? Should it be the consistence of pancake batter?

  12. 1/8 tsp xanthan gum. It doesn't replace anything. If you add more milk, it could change the portions. Oil is never really considered a liquid in baking, so I wouldn't add more of that. I can't really say it should be like pancake batter because everyone makes theirs differently. This should be a thick batter that can be poured.

  13. Thanks...I'll try the xanthan gum and add a little more milk if needed. We are on P4 so the portion won't be critical or I can make smaller pieces. I do think our batter was too thick as it couldn't be poured.

  14. I have made this twice (in the last 24 hours) for a Father's Day brunch. When I check it with a toothpick it seems done, I take it out and it completely falls and turns into mush in the middle. I'm in Colorado at 5280 sq.ft. Any ideas how to fix this? :(

    1. I'm sorry to here it didn't turn out. I'm not am expert on high altitude baking or how that would effect this recipe. Did you let the bread cool in the pan?

    2. When I Google your question, this is what I get..."Adjustment for 5000 feet: Reduce baking powder: for each teaspoon, decrease 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon. Reduce sugar: for each cup, decrease 0 to 2 tablespoons. Increase liquid: for each cup, add 2 to 4 tablespoons. Increase oven temperature by 25 degrees F."
      I have no way of testing this, though

  15. Hi Carolyn,
    Did I read somewhere that this recipe can also be made into muffins?

    1. Yes, you can make muffins. Bake for around 15 min.

  16. For muffins would I bake at 400 or lower

    1. This is an original muffin recipe, that I make as a loaf. I did not change the temp from the original muffin recipe. I've made this as muffins for years at 400

  17. Could I use almond flour for P3

    1. Almond flour by itself simply doesn't work in this recipe. You could do 50/50 almond flour with sprouted wheat, but that changes the portions since almond flour is a fat

  18. Hi Carolyn,
    May I ask what brand of baking powder you use and where you buy it?
    Thank you!

    1. I mix up my own since most store bought has cornstarch. Equal parts baking soda and cream of tartar.

  19. Can I use oat flour?

    1. I would not use oat flour by itself. It gets gummy and heavy. You could do maybe 1/3 oat flour and the rest sprouted wheat

  20. I made this and it was extremely dry. The batter was so dry it wouldnt mix together. Is it really just 1/3 cup almond milk? Some of the other bread recipes have 1 1/3 cups liquid. I did use coconut oil in place of the olive oil and coconut milk instead of almond milk. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

    1. Did you melt the coconut oil? Coconut milk in a can or carton? I've made this recipe dozens of times and it's never dry. Maybe the brand of of flour you have? This is actually a muffin recipe that I typically bake in a loaf pan. 1/3 cup milk is correct.

    2. I just made this with coconut milk and had to add extra liquid .

  21. I made the blueberry muffins with spelt flour for P1. So yummy and moist. Love all your recipes. Thank you so much for sharing your talents.

  22. I have been trying to get these right for the longest time and just can't seem to. I watched you video yesterday and confirmed ingredients. I used what was in recipe above and added 1/8 tsp of Xanthum Gum and squirt of lemon juice and mixed in order of video. My batter came out thick like that of your bread. I used warm cashew milk and had to add the equivalent of twice the amount to get it where I could spoon it out. The muffins did rise, but are heavy not moist or fluffy. I used the equivalent of pure monk fruit, but don't think that would be the issue. I used all sprouted wheat flour and now wonder if I should decrease the flour and not add all the extra milk. I preheated at 325 and turned down to 375 and baked for 18. Maybe I should bake for 15 minutes ??? Hagen Daz ice cream has been my weakness during this pandemic as well as my mother's passing, so I am trying to get back on track. Thanks!

  23. Oops....Preheated at 425

    1. Monk fruit changes the texture sometimes. Sugar and xylitol are actually moisture in recipes so that could be why your muffins are dry. Sprouted wheat flour is heavy, so make sure you fluff it up before measuring. Stir with a whisk or fork, or scoop with a measuring cup and sprinkle it back into the canister. Don't pack it into the measuring cup. Is your cashew milk thick or thin?? You can try subbing 1/2 cup sprouted wheat flour for oat flour or tapioca flour

  24. So if I make it into muffins, is one regular size muffin a serving? Or mini muffin tins? Also, I saw for this to comply with phase 1, use oat milk? P

    1. Phase 1 modifications are listed in the recipe
      It really depends on how many muffins you get out of it. I cannot say if it's one. Just divide the number of muffins by 6 and that's your portion for under 20lb goal


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