
Pickled Peppers - All Phases

If you have a garden that gives you an abundance of peppers, or if you find them super cheap at the farmer's market, you can make these quickly and easily. All you need are the simple ingredients and a jar with a tight fitting lid. 

You can use banana peppers, jalapenos, any hot pepper. I have even done some up with my yellow Lemon Drop Peppers. 

These will keep for a few months in the fridge. If you want to make a bigger batch, or keep them on a shelf, you will need to process them in a water bath with a canning pot and use sterilized jars. I boil my clean jars for 10-15 minutes, and remove them just as I am filling them. Put on warmed new lids and bands, then process filled closed jars in a hot water bath for 15 minutes. Be sure the water covers the jars by at least 2 inches. Remove from hot water and let sit on counter for 24 hours. Check lids by pressing the middle to ensure they are sealed. Any lids that do not seal- those jars go in fridge. 

You can carefully use a mandolin to slice the peppers if you want. Be sure to wear gloves if you are slicing by hand, so you do not get burned by the peppers. That is NO fun, trust me!! 

You can add bell pepper, more garlic, celery seed, sliced onions, radishes... even carrots. 

These are great on sandwiches, tacos, salads, in cole slaw, baked beans... so many uses!!

Pickled Peppers
Makes 1 pint jar
All phases

8-12 banana peppers 
1-2 garlic cloves, smashed
10 peppercorns
1/4 cup water
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup apple cider vinegar

Put all ingredients, except peppers, in a saucepan and bring just to boil.

Wash and dry the peppers. Remove the seeds and membranes if you want to reduce the heat of the peppers. Slice them as thick as you like. Fill jar with sliced peppers. If you are not canning these for shelf storage, the jar does not have to be filled to the top- you just want enough liquid to cover them completely. If you are canning in a hot water bath, be sure to pack the jars with peppers. 

Using a funnel, carefully pour the hot brine into the jar. Run a butter knife around the edge of the inside of the jar to ensure all air bubbles are gone. Put the lid on and leave on counter for 24 hours. Move to fridge. 

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