
Southern Cole Slaw - All Phase- Great for Phase 2

Labor Day Weekend is here and I have a dish you can take to that BBQ. It goes very well with tangy BBQ sauce, hamburgers, chicken, pork. This is a Southern style slaw. It is sweet and tangy.

Quick to make and is good for all three FMD phases.

Here is my video: https://youtu.be/7Pmp9EHvkds

Southern Cole Slaw- All Phases

3 cups shredded cabbage
a hunk of red bell pepper, shredded
2 celery stalks, shredded
1/4 medium onion, shredded, or 4-5 green onions, finely diced

For phases 1 & 3, add 2 carrots, shredded (no carrots on P2)

Mix all this together in a large bowl.


1 cup vinegar (not white vinegar)
1 cup xylitol
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 tsp each salt and pepper

1 T celery seed
optional 2T olive oil (p3 ONLY)

Mix everything except celery seed in sauce pan and heat over medium heat just until the xylitol is dissolved. Add celery seed. Stir and pour over cabbage mixture. Let cool then refrigerate.


  1. I love this slaw on P2. Can't wait to try the P3 option.

  2. What is xylitol and where would you buy it. If not white vinegar would you use apple cider.i am new to this and want to use your recipes you are very knowledgeable. Thank you

    1. Xylitol is one of the approved sweeteners we use on FMD. It measures just like sugar. You can check your local stores to see if they carry it. I usually buy mine online at www.swansonvitamins.com and sometimes at Sprouts. Be sure to get one that is made from hardwood or birch, and NOT corn.

  3. I am trying this tonight for the first time. I am wondering if it's supposed to have so much liquid. It seems more like a soup! It may be because of my understanding of what is meant by 3 cups of cabbage. do you mean grabbing a handful and putting it in a measuring cup (x3), or do you mean to use 24 oz as sold in bags? My 14 oz bag had a lot more than 3 cups in it, so I was unsure. After seeing all the liquid, I dumped the rest of the bag in!

    1. This is a Southern style slaw, so there should be extra liquid. The "dressing" doesnt stick to the veggies as much as a creamy slaw dressing does. For the recipe, I do mean 3 dry measuring cups full of cabbage. You cannot go by the weight in oz on the package, as that is the weight not the volume. I find the slaw to be bland if it is dry, but recipes are meant to be customized, so enjoy!

    2. Enjoy it, I did! I ate almost the whole batch by myself. I loved the flavor! However, consuming that much xylitol has its drawbacks... I will be making this recipe many, many times - thank you for sharing!


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