
Sprouted Wheat Tortillas

If you like tacos, you need to make these! They take around an hour to make, so whip up a double or triple batch and freeze some for next week. If you have an electric griddle, it will cook about 3 at a time, making the cooking go quick.

Pro Tip: If you want to freeze these, you can freeze them cooked, or you can roll them out, stack with parchment paper between each one, then cook them fresh on Taco Night. Since they take just about 2-3 minutes to cook, you can have fresh tortillas each time! And having a stash in the freezer means you can pull out just the number you need for dinner.

Sprouted Wheat Tortillas
Phase 3 with oil, Phase 1 without

2 cups sprouted wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp cumin
1 1/2 T olive oil (p3 only)
1 tsp vinegar
3/4 c HOT water

Mix dry ingredients together in a bowl. Add liquids and stir until a dough forms. Cover with damp towel and let rest 30 minutes.Knead on floured counter and divide into 8 portions. Roll into balls and cover with damp towel. Let rest 10 minutes. Roll each ball into a circle and cook on medium high griddle or skillet until top bubbles, about 1 minute. Flip and cook on second side 1-2 minutes.

8 servings


  1. These are wonderful and soft. Thanks, Carolyn! ( I made 2 batches at once, one for P1, the other for P3.)

  2. what type of vinegar do you use? thanks - can't wait to cook them tonight!


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