
Pretzel Bites - Phase 3

These are super easy to make and SO good to eat! Dip them in mustard!

1 1/2 cups warm water
1 package yeast
1/2 tsp xanthan gum
3T olive oil
1 tsp vinegar
2 1/2 tsp sea salt
3 cups sprouted wheat flour
1 cup sorghum flour

3 quarts water
1/2 cup baking soda

1 whole egg beaten with 1T water

Coarse salt

Dissolve yeast in warm water for 10 minutes. Add flours and stir a few times. Add xanthan gum, olive oil, vinegar, salt and mix for 5-7 minutes. Cover damp towel and place bowl in warm place until dough doubles- 1 1/2 to 2 hours. 

Put water in large shallow pan and bring to boil. Slowly add baking soda- a little at a time. It will bubble up if you dump it all in at once.

Divide dough into 8 balls. Roll each ball into a rope about 22 inches long. Cut into bite size pieces. Place a few pieces at a time into the water, and cook for 30 seconds. Remove with slotted spoon and place on baking sheet lined with parchment or silicone mat. Do not let them touch. Continue on until all dough is rolled and cut and cooked in water. Brush each pretzel with egg wash, sprinkle with coarse salt and bake in 425 degree oven for 15-18 minutes until golden brown. 

Makes 32 grain servings.


  1. Hi Carolyn...is this recipe applicable to P1&P3 on the FMD? How do you portion theses out? Grain & portion portion?


  2. Replies
    1. Just like any other baked good, in an air tight container ;)

  3. I looked back over the p3 food list and didn't see sorghum flour.

    1. There are updated food lists out there. It's approved. I'm very careful about this

  4. AWESOME! I just wanted to make sure. I used sorghum to fry some chicken on Saturday and I didn't want to change the recipe.

  5. Any alternatives to sorghum flour?

    1. Just replace with sprouted wheat. The sorghum lightens the dough


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