
Fruit Compote- Phases 1 & 3 (v)


Fruit Compote is super easy and quick to make, and a great addition to pancakes, waffles, toast, biscuits, oatmeal. Very versatile.
You can use peaches, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, apples, raspberries, mango, pear. Keep in mind that apples will take a bit longer to cook to get soft. They key with staying compliant on FMD is not cook the fruit so much that it goes down in volume. For most soft fruits, you only need to heat them enough to release some of their natural juices, and so the arrowroot slurry will take effect and thicken the mixture. 

This does not freeze well, as the arrowroot will not keep it thick, and the fruit will get super mushy.

Fruit Compote
Phases 1 & 3
Makes 1 standard serving of fruit

1 serving of phase appropriate fruit, chopped or pureed, your choice
Splash of spring water
Sweetener to taste, if needed (pure stevia, pure monk fruit or xylitol)
Spices as you desire- cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, etc (I personally only use these for apples, but use as you like)
Tiny pinch of sea salt
Vanilla extract or paste, optional

1 T arrowroot powder
1 T COLD water
Mix together

Place your fruit and water and sweetener and salt in a saucepan or skillet. Heat over high heat until it bubbles. Stir frequently. Add more water if you need- this depends on the fruit, how much juice they release and how much "syrup" you want in the finished product. If you are using water, simmer just until the apples are as soft as you want them. 

Add the spices, if you are using any
Stir in the slurry to the bubbly mixture. Add half, stir and see how thick it gets. Only add more slurry if you want it thicker. Arrowroot does take a minute or so to activate, so gently simmer over medium heat for a minute or two before adding more. 
Once it is where you want it, remove from heat. Stir in vanilla if you are using and serve immediately. 

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