Vegan Sample Meal Plan

Here is a sample meal plan for vegans. In phase 2, vegans can have the soy products Haylie approved for FMD. Only on phase 2 and only for vegans. If you want to change things up and you like mushrooms, Haylie says you can eat copious amounts of mushrooms for your protein. 

Don't forget Haylie's phase 2 shakes are also vegan and a great option for breakfast and snacks on p2. You can purchase those on her website. 

I have lots of vegan and vegetarian recipes here on my blog. You can simply click the one of the labels in the upper left of the page and scroll through. All recipes can be pinned to your Pinterest board, or printed for your personal FMD cookbook. You can also bookmark each page for easy reference on your tablet or phone for a digital cookbook. 

All BOLD items are from my blog or cookbooks. I like to cook enough dinner for lunch the next day, on as many days as possible. 

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